Friday, November 30, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse

In my English class we've been writing essays throughout the semester. Our last essay topic is "How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse". In thinking about this, I came to this thought. 

When the Zombie Apocalypse happens, and my loved ones happen to be turned into zombies, I'm not going to kill them. I support their life choices 100%. They can be whatever they want to be in life. I believe in them.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Job Interviews.

I have two people, count them, TWO people who will be calling me tomorrow about job interviews. I'm really excited, and nervous at the same time. I hope I get at least one, but two might be nice. I could definitely use the money. Either way, wish me luck. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sometimes CAPS just isn't Right

Someone should make a button just for Italic font, because sometimes CAPS just isn't right. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mini She Hulk

I babysat my brother's, girlfriend's daughter last Saturday, and like usual, she is the cutest thing ever! I always, ALWAYS enjoy babysitting her because she makes my heart melt each and every time. This time she had a bit of trouble falling asleep because some shadows were scaring her, so I told her to just hold up her hands like claws and Rawr at whatever scared her, that way, it'll be more afraid of her than she'll be of it. After she laid back down and I shut the door, I heard her say, "rawr!. . . Rawr!. . . RAWR!" and then with a slight giggle, she whispered "I scared you". It was so cute. She will probably never ever use that technique again, but hearing it once was amazing. It made my heart melt. I also found out that for Halloween she will be going as Hulk. She loves the Hulk, we even watched an episode of Hulk while I was there. She's going to make the cutest most terrifying Hulk ever. 

You're not a dog.

So, I'm pretty sure my cat just growled. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Renaissance Festival

   I attended the Renaissance Festival this past Sunday. It. Was. Awesome. I love Ren. Fest. I've gone every year for about four or five years. I've accumulated a costume over time and I will maybe post pictures of said costume at some point in the future. My costume consists of a dress, a tail, multiple necklaces and a boddis. This year however, I used the corset and tulle from my prom dress instead of the boddis. It almost looked half Renaissance, half Gothic. Either way, it looked pretty amazing. 
   This year I also bought a journal/ sketch book. It's all hand made, paper included, and leather bound. I will definitely be posting pictures later. It was a whopping sixty dollars, which I admit, is a bit much to spend on a journal/sketch book but I had fallen in love with it. I think that's all I have to update you on for now. I will continue to try and post more frequently. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stupid Commercials

I hate it when a really happy upbeat commercial comes on right after a sad part in your T.V show/ Movie. It makes it especially horrible when the commercial is just stupid. The least the commercial people could do is play the animal rescue commercials. That way our tears won't be wasted. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Expelled From My Mothers Uterus Day!

September 17th was my birthday! It was the day I was put on this earth. I am officially 18; an adult! I can't believe it. To be honest, nothing has changed. I can't really do much more than I could before, but I'm going to apply to a few jobs that require you to be eighteen so, yay.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Rainbows

Oh! I almost forgot, I re-dyed my hair rainbow. This time though I added aquamarine. A HUGE thanks to my mom for helping me out with it. She's awesome. Here are some picture for your viewing pleasure. 

No Life

I was standing in the shower for about an hour contemplating life, when I realized. I have time to stand in the shower for an hour. What life?

The Early Bird and I Are Opposites

I've had four days of college classes so far and they're pretty great. I don't have anyone I know in my classes but one of my classes doesn't start until October, so here's hoping. I've been trying to go art supply shopping for my art class. . . and so has every other art student in my state. There is barely anything left to get, it's definitely first come first serve and I was not first. I'm going shopping again tomorrow for my supplies, hopefully I have better luck. Other than that things have been pretty good. My birthday is in 8 days. Whoo! I'm pretty excited for that. My brother is coming down to hang out with me and the family, it'll be really nice to see him. I think that's all that's going on right now, I'll be sure to try and post more frequently. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Bed and I

I officially start college on Tuesday. Tuesday! I will no longer be able to lounge around the house or sleep all day. It's good, I know, I need to go to college, but I know my bed and I will not be able to continue our relationship. I'm breaking up with it tomorrow. On a happier note, my parents and I are spending this weekend in a cabin for family time. Once college starts I won't get to see them very often. It's been good so far; we go back home tomorrow. We've played some board games and walked on a trail for a good 90 minutes or so. It's been really fun. I do miss my room though, other than the fact my bed and I have to break up. We were doing so well.


I have not posted in a really long time. I sincerely apologize. Please accept and enjoy this picture of a cute baby ferret as a token of my apology. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

My parents are away today, all day for their anniversary trip. They have celebrated 29 years together and I hope they will celebrate many many more. As for me, I have having a few friends over for a movie and pizza.  I'm looking forward to it. I love hanging out with my friends. I hope my parents have a great time on their trip.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Whenever someone replies with "you don't want to know" when I ask them "what's up?" I automatically assume they either just murdered someone or did something inappropriate. For once when I ask someone what they were doing, I want them to say, "I was frolicking in the field with my pet unicorn while i sang with the birds." That would be a nice surprise.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So I have decided to take up a new hobby. Working with empty wine bottles. I will not be drinking the wine because I'm not 21, but I am hoping with the help of my older brother who is old enough to drink, and is a wine connoisseur of sorts, and my parents I will be able to collect empty wine bottles. There are tons of things you can do with wine bottles. Turn them into lights, make candle hurricanes, regular candle holders, oil and soap dispensers, containers for small things like candy, vases, and even the corks can be reused. I'm most excited to try out the Wine Bottle Lights, but also the candle hurricane and candle holders. I first have to order a glass cutter, but after that I should be golden. I can't wait! 

If you're interested in making your own Wine Bottle projects, here is a video to show you how to cut them, some websites that tell you how to make some things, and a link to the glass cutter. 

Glass Cutter:

If you like fresh herbs, here's a windowsill garden using wine bottles:

Here's an entire page of things you can do with wine bottles, but I don't think every picture tells you how you can do it:

And lastly here are ten things you can do with wine bottles with step by step instructions.:

If you just want to know what some of this stuff looks like, but don't want to click the links (which I totally understand) here you go. I found all of these images on Google by typing in things like "Wine bottle ideas" or "Wine bottle candle hurricanes". You can get more specific based on what you're looking for.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Today I had a doctor's appointment that I had to be up around Ten am for. If you know me, you know that I don't go to sleep until six sometimes eight in the morning, so I decided just to stay up. I ended up actually just staying awake all day and later on I was laying on the floor and I passed out. I fell asleep somewhere around dinner time when my mom had just finished making dinner. My family and I usually watch a T.V show while we eat dinner so, like usual my parents were flipping through channels. I must have passed out around then because I woke up to them watching a T.V we all usually watch together, so I said, "You're watching it without me?" and both of my parents kind of chuckled and said "we thought you were watching it with us!" I'm not sure how funny that is to those of you who read this, but i had a nice laugh out of it. I personally blame floors for being too darn comfortable.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

College Kid

It is official! I am scheduled for classes at college. I am moving on in life. I have American Sign Language 1, which kind of stinks because I have already taken 2 years of American Sign Language in High School but I am required to start over anyway. Then I have Deaf Community and Culture which I am excited for. In my previous ASL classes we learned a little about Deaf culture but not much. Lastly I have English 101 along with Basic Drawing. I have actually taken one drawing class in High School but, again, they require you to start over. I'm really excited to get started but still sort of nervous. I'm not sure who I am going to know in my classes if anyone, but I'm eager to learn more about ASL and the Deaf Community and Culture along with Drawing and anything else I take in the next year. My classes don't start until September 4th, but there's still a lot to do before then. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


My last post stated that the wait at my doctors office takes a really long time. When i got there today, my mom and I were there for no longer than two hours or so, which is really good considering we are usually there for four hours. I actually had fun there, my doctor is really funny. I'm just glad we weren't there for four hours.

The Doctor's Downside.

I haven't had much to post about the past couple of days. I still really don't. I'm going to the doctors today though for a check up and an update. Keeping my doctor in the loop. Most people don't like going to the doctors, I actually don't mind it. Disregarding the fact the reason people go to the doctors is because they usually don't feel good. Every time I go to the doctor, my doctor tells my mom or dad and I a new joke. One of the things I remember the most about my doctor, is that, when I was younger, like little kid younger, he always used to joke around. He would say things like "have you stopped smoking yet?" or make jokes about how much ear wax I had when my ears were perfectly clean. It was really funny. The only downside to visiting my doctor, is that the wait is... so... long. My doctor is really busy, so even if we go in for just a check up, we are usually there for a couple of hours. I am not looking forward to waiting for hours today, but overall it shouldn't be too bad. 

Friday, July 27, 2012


So on June 12th i believe it was. I graduated from high school. It took me way too long to post about it but here it is. I'm really glad to be out of high school, I'm excited about college and nervous too but overall just glad to be out of high school. Here are some pictures of my graduation.
My Brother and I
My Name Being Called 
I'm walking back to my seat after receiving my diploma.

My Grandmother and I
Here I am with my good friend Chelsea.
My Family and I

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Freeing Anonymous

A few years ago I found a turtle on the sidewalk near our towns middle school. I picked it up so it wouldn't get trampled and took it home. I named it Anonymous because at the time I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, or anything about turtles. I eventually found out it was a painted turtle and a boy. About a week ago, I released Anonymous in a friend of the family's pond. I hope he makes lots of friends and has a big family. Here are some pictures of Anonymous. I'm going to miss you, but will always love you. <3

This was taken the day I found Anonymous. 
I asked Anonymous to come up for a moment so I could take a picture. He gladly obliged. 
 I was having a heart to heart chat with Anonymous before I let him go.

 This is me letting him go and him running to freedom.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Placement Tests and Classes

I got out from taking my placement tests for college around 6:20, and home about 20 minutes later. I was thankful that my ACT scores were high enough that all I had to do was take the Math placement test. My results will be in on Friday so I can go back in to meet with a councilor about them and schedule my classes. After that, that's it. I will be in college. Real Life. I'm a bit nervous about it, I haven't really done much on my own, but I'm also excited to learn new things. I have a lot of classes I'm interested in taking, I hope i can take a lot of them.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Open House

On June 30th, I believe it was, I had my open house. I have finally graduated and my open house was planned on a perfect day. The weather was perfect that day, not too hot but hot enough and the turn out of people was great. A lot of awesome people showed up, some unexpected people showed up, most of the food was eaten, the pictures were enjoyed and overall we had a great time. I'm thankful for all of the cards and gifts people gave me, which will all be used for college. Here are some pictures from my open house, courtesy of my grandfather seen in the picture at the bottom.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Apologies

So, it has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted anything in my blog in a very long time. And this, in fact, is very true. I wish i could say it has because I've been busy, but that, would not be true. A lot has happened since i posted last and I will be sure to inform you of such. I will try my hardest to not let my blog fall behind again. To apologize, please enjoy this picture of a cute cat. 
Courtesy of

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rainbow Hair

My last post was about my senior prom. you may have noticed my hair being a different color. For my prom, I dyed my hair Rainbow. Yes, Rainbow. My amazing mom stayed up until 5:30 am with me to help me with my hair. It took an entire 6 hours. I couldn't have done it without her, and I love how it looks. Pictures below. 

Senior Prom

On May 12th I went to my Senior Prom. It was pretty fun. It was from 7-11 pm and I went with my friend Kalli, who looked stunning. Pictures below. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The other day I fell down the stairs. Yes. I fell down the stairs, about eight stairs to be precise. From the top. I thought I would share my painful and maybe to a few of you, hilarious, moment. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Art Instruction School

Today, I have been officially enrolled in the Art Instruction School, it counts for 23 college credits, and a lot of people that graduate from there become professional artists. A few have gone on to work for Disney, and one student was the creator of Peanuts, the comic strip. I'm so excited to get started and see what my art is like when I finish.

Monday, April 9, 2012

David Choi's Baby

Today I had an extremely funny moment in math. It was undoubtedly the funniest moment of my day. My friend Alissa and I were talking to our math teacher about the David Choi concert mentioned in my previous post, to which she asked "Did you have fun?". I replied with, "I want to have his babies", She kind of laughed and awkwardly took a moment to take in my response before responding with this, "Well, it's good to have goals". Maybe it was one of those, you had to be there, moments, but it was a good enough moment that I had to share.

David Choi Concert

Last week during spring break I went to a David Choi concert. For those of you who don't know who David Choi is, he is a YouTube artist that can be found here: .He can also be found on twitter, and Facebook. He is one of my favorite artists and is very talented. I go all girly for David Choi. It was really fun and I had a great time with my friend Alissa Baughman. The concert was an hour away in Ann-Arbor during his tour, it was the longest I've ever driven without my parents and it made me feel really responsible. It was a great night. Alissa and I even got to meet him and I got his autograph along with his picture. It. Was. Great.

 P.S. I dyed my hair pink.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

L'eau Lise

Last weekend I babysat my brothers, girlfriends daughter, L'eau Lise. It's pronounced Low Lease, and what an experience it was. I changed my first ever poopy diaper, in fact I changed four. She's two years old and extremely smart. Everything she says is adorable and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was great, and tiring, but over all, great. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hop In The Shower

Who came up with the saying "I'm going to hop in the shower". You should NEVER hop into a shower. It is so dangerous. You could die.

Towel Cape

Today while I was waiting for my dad to get out of the bathroom so I could get in and take a shower, I wrapped my towel around my shoulders and ran around the house like it was a cape making 'whoosh' noises. Obviously, you can't run around in a towel-cape NOT making 'whoosh' noises. That would just be weird. I don't remember the last time I did something like that but I had a lot of fun. I haven't updated my blog in awhile, so I thought I'd give a little update. Love you all.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

David Choi Twitter Reply

I'm usually never girly, it's a rare thing to see me act truly "girly" but something happened not to long ago that made me have one of those girly moments and since it pertains to my previous blog post, i thought I would share it. I had posted a tweet on twitter about my audition and I tagged David Choi (an amazing artist on YouTube, you should go check him out if you don't know who he is. He happens to be one of my favorite artists and the artist who's song I used to audition for my schools musical.) David Choi actually replied to my tweet and told me Good Luck. I had a gigantic fan-girl moment and ran upstairs and told both of my parents about it. It truly made my day, and I can officially go to sleep happy now. 

Beauty and the Beast Musical

Today I auditioned for my schools musical. This is huge for me seeing as how I can barely stand in front of the class and give a presentation. After i had read my monologue i went out to get a drink and almost fell over from  shaking so much. I'm not sure whether I did good or not, but I did it and that's all that matters. I'm really proud of myself for doing this, and I owe my friends Chelsea and Andrew for giving me that extra push and convincing me to do it. Love you guys! Andrew also tried out, so I want to wish him luck and I hope he gets the part he wants.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I dislike Valentine's Day. It isn't only because I happened to be alone on this holiday, but I never really believed in Valentine's Day. A man in a relationship shouldn't have to have a specific holiday to make his girlfriend feel special. His girlfriend should feel special and loved everyday. On top of that I just personally don't like people, my significant other especially, spending extra money, money that could be used for something better, on me. I also realized that basically every single one of my friends is in a relationship, so not only was I alone on this holiday relationship wise, I was completely alone.  On the plus side, today, I had one of the best naps I have had in a really long time. To those of you who read this, I hope you've had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


On a more current note, how many of you watched the Superbowl? I watched it, and to be honest with you, I don't really care for the Superbowl at all. I'm not interested in sports whatsoever, I'm the type of person who just watches for the commercials, and even those were unsatisfactory tonight. I think one of my favorite parts of tonight, is that my family and I made a football out of Tim Horton Tim Bits. It was fun, and tasty. A picture is provided below for your viewing pleasures.


I never made a blog post for last night, but in my previous post I said I was going to get a Slurpee and I told my parents I had to get one because I didn't want to lie to you guys. So, I present my proof, and let me tell you, it was delicious. The layers from bottom to top go like this: Mango, blue raspberry, a bit of apple, strawberry licorice, mountain dew, then mango. In the picture i had already drank half of it, but it was so good I couldn't resist. When was the last time you had a Slurpee? Maybe it's time to get one again.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I went and saw the movie Chronicle today. In my opinion, the movie was alright; although I probably wouldn't want to see it again. It reminded me of the movie Hancock the entire time. They can fly, The main 'bad guy' busts a hole in the side of a hospital, and there is a fight in the air. For those of you who want to see it, don't worry, I didn't reveal anything. New Guy was there (or should I say, Clark Kent) and his cousin. It was the first time I have hung out with New Guy outside of school and I'm glad I did, I had a pretty good time except for a few things here and there that irritated me. I was also there with my friend Alissa, and my new friend Katelyn. Overall I had a pretty good time. On the car ride home, Alissa was asking her mom for a Slurpee, she said no; but it made me realize what I'm going to do tomorrow. Get a Slurpee. And it will be wonderful. I hope, those of you who read this, that your day is fantastic tomorrow. I'm off to bed so, Goodnight World.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


My cat, Spot, likes to get into my parents bedroom and my parents don't like it, so they usually leave the door shut, so in turn my cat sits there and paws at it until they open it again. Well, as I was sitting in my momentarily uncomfortable chair, I looked over and saw her looking at the door so I said, "No". She turned her head to look at me, then back at the door, so again I said, "No". It went on like that for a little bit until after one no I heard my dad say "Yes". Not only was that kind of funny, it was also kind of startling. My parents have a meeting to go to up at church which they left for a few minutes ago, but I made the mistake of thinking they left awhile ago. I wish I could say embarrassing moments like this were a rarity, but I can't. I just thought i would share my little embarrassing moment with all of you.

Research Paper

I woke up today with horrible back pains and it hurts so badly that I can barely move. I also have a research paper and presentation due today by 12:00 for my Gen Net class. If you don't know what Gen Net is, it's a class which is basically like Skype, so my teacher is actually at a different school. If you don't know what Skype is, Google it. So here I am in a chair which on a regular day would be perfectly comfortable to sit in, but today is extremely uncomfortable and is not helping my back at all, working on my research paper and presentation. I hope my back gets better before bed, and if it doesn't, I hope it gets better for school tomorrow. That's how my day went. I hope, whoever reads this, that your day went better than mine.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In The Shower

I realized today that any statement containing the words "I thought of / discovered it in the shower" is just immediately creepy. No matter how you phrase it, the moment you hear those words, you get a bit worried. I discovered this, in the shower. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Party Results

My party went well today and I hope everyone had a good time. I know i had fun. We ate at McDonald's and then went bowling. Unfortunately I didn't break 100 like I wanted to because I am a terrible bowler, but I still had a lot of fun. After bowling we went back to my house and hung out in my garage which was cold but fun. We had my strobe lights on and the music up and we just went crazy. I think one of the best points of the night is when my mom came out and danced with us while we listened to Skrillex.Then we settled down and played cards. Alissa had to go home eventually and only Dylan and I were left. Dylan taught me how to say all the cards in a deck, in German! Overall it was a great night. I want to say again, I love my friends. 


I'm hosting a little get together today, and when I say little, I mean little. Three of my friends and I are going to meet at McDonald's, then go bowling, and then hang out in my garage that will hopefully not be freezing because of the space heaters I hope to get. Today is the day of the Coming Home Dance and my friends and I are not going, so instead i decided to have a little hang out day with them. I wish more friends could come but like i said, it's the day of the Coming Home Dance. I hope we all have a good time and that I bowl more than a 100. To everyone else, I hope you have a great day at the dance, or a great day in general.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Superman New Guy

While leaving our 4th hour in school, Brittany (mentioned in my previous post) saw New Guy (a new kid at our school/ Lunch Table that I just call New Guy but is actually Shane) was wearing glasses and said, "was he wearing glasses at lunch? He's like Superman and Clark Kent!" From that moment on, everyday at lunch we make sure to check and see if he's wearing glasses or not, if he is we call him Clark Kent, if not, Superman. From that we went into a new conversation on how dumb people are in comic books, and the comparison of superheroes to their disguises. Superman has a pair of glasses and a suit, and while he may act nerdy and small his body build and facial structure is still completely the same. How dumb do you have to be to not realize Superman and Clark Kent are the same person? I could see it for Spider-man, or Batman. But Superman's only defense is a pair of glasses. If I walked around in a pair of glasses and a fancy dress people would still know it was me. I say we have a Superhero day, where we all dress up as superheroes and see if there is anyone that we really can't recognize, if there is then I will let Superman's disguise go.

That Looks.. Appletizing.

I sit with the same friends at lunch in the same spots everyday as do most people in High School I'm sure. Lunch is probably one of my favorite points in the day because I love my friends and we always have so much fun talking and joking around. One of the main things I love about my friends is that we love to be Cheesy and yesterday at lunch was a perfect example and a moment I'm likely to not forget. My good friend Alissa was eating a nutritious apple to which my other good friend Brittany comments, "That apple looks appetizing". I took a second to giggle softly to myself before adding, "No, that apple looks... appletizing". We all then proceeded to burst into laughter. I just thought I'd share and tell all my friends who read my blog, Love You <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Everyone Poops

We have to do an Oral Interpretation Assignment in my Theater class, which is basically where you just pick a passage from a book, or a poem, a children's story, song, what have you, and just read it. The main goal is to convey meaning while you read. The Oral Interpretation is also timed and like the good little student I am, I practiced reading it to my mom while she timed it. When I had finished, she looks at me and says, "You should read Everyone Poops". I laughed so hard and found it so funny that I just had to share it with you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

American Idol

I don't usually watch American Idol, but tonight I decided to tune in for episode one of their new season. Apparently there is this girl who auditioned with her brother last year and I guess he made it pretty far. He took a back seat this year and let her audition solo. When she walked in and the judges started talking to her, they made her bring him in and then proceeded to make him audition. Well, they are both going to Hollywood. I don't know about you, but if that happened to me, I would be pissed. If my brother stepped back to let me shine on my own and then just ended up auditioning anyway, I would feel so hurt. The look on her face was devastating and I hope that she is not only okay, but that she goes very far if not win. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Dad Picks Up Guys For Me

My dad and I went grocery shopping today and on our way there we were discussing my not so good track record with past boyfriends. He told me that instead of focusing on just the cute guys, I should look for a cute nerdy guy who can hold is own in a conversation. He ended it with this: "I'll keep an eye out for any cute nerdy guy to send your way". Thank you Dad.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Made A Blog

Some of my friends suggested I get a blog. After awhile of procrastination and debating whether or not I would even have a purpose for a blog, I got one. I still have no idea what to do with one or what direction I'll take it in, so please bear with me and we can find out at the same time.