Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Forgot How To School

I recently got back from visiting Brandon for spring break and let me tell you. I forgot how to school. It was strange having to get directly back into my normal routine. That routine including looking for a job. Job applications are tedious and i do not enjoy them at all. 

School is going alright though. If all goes well, I should be graduating in only 4 semesters! It sounds like a short period of time, but each semester is about 3 months! I'm a bit nervous honestly. There's still a lot to do before graduation and I'm nervous I won't be able to make it in my field. My field requires a lot of memorization and has quite a few rules both grammatical and ethical and memory has never been a strong suite of mine. I'm nervous I won't be very good at my career, if I make it that far at all. I still have my Bachelors Degree to get so I still have some time to work on it.

Brandon and I are thinking now about waiting on getting an apartment. We're thinking about having him Dorm for the year while I finish out school and then we can move to the town where I'm getting my BA. The college Brandon is going to has a campus down near that town. It will hopefully help us save some money.

Monday, March 3, 2014

"Prints" Charming Contest

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to update you on that "Prints" Charming contest I entered. Today is the day they released the final 10 designs! They have been opened up for the public to vote on and ultimately choose the winning dress that will be sold on their website with the winners name on the tag! I'm disappointed none of my dresses made the cut, but the dresses that did are pretty great! Go check 'em out!