Friday, January 20, 2012

Superman New Guy

While leaving our 4th hour in school, Brittany (mentioned in my previous post) saw New Guy (a new kid at our school/ Lunch Table that I just call New Guy but is actually Shane) was wearing glasses and said, "was he wearing glasses at lunch? He's like Superman and Clark Kent!" From that moment on, everyday at lunch we make sure to check and see if he's wearing glasses or not, if he is we call him Clark Kent, if not, Superman. From that we went into a new conversation on how dumb people are in comic books, and the comparison of superheroes to their disguises. Superman has a pair of glasses and a suit, and while he may act nerdy and small his body build and facial structure is still completely the same. How dumb do you have to be to not realize Superman and Clark Kent are the same person? I could see it for Spider-man, or Batman. But Superman's only defense is a pair of glasses. If I walked around in a pair of glasses and a fancy dress people would still know it was me. I say we have a Superhero day, where we all dress up as superheroes and see if there is anyone that we really can't recognize, if there is then I will let Superman's disguise go.

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