Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Forgot How To School

I recently got back from visiting Brandon for spring break and let me tell you. I forgot how to school. It was strange having to get directly back into my normal routine. That routine including looking for a job. Job applications are tedious and i do not enjoy them at all. 

School is going alright though. If all goes well, I should be graduating in only 4 semesters! It sounds like a short period of time, but each semester is about 3 months! I'm a bit nervous honestly. There's still a lot to do before graduation and I'm nervous I won't be able to make it in my field. My field requires a lot of memorization and has quite a few rules both grammatical and ethical and memory has never been a strong suite of mine. I'm nervous I won't be very good at my career, if I make it that far at all. I still have my Bachelors Degree to get so I still have some time to work on it.

Brandon and I are thinking now about waiting on getting an apartment. We're thinking about having him Dorm for the year while I finish out school and then we can move to the town where I'm getting my BA. The college Brandon is going to has a campus down near that town. It will hopefully help us save some money.

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