Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stupid Commercials

I hate it when a really happy upbeat commercial comes on right after a sad part in your T.V show/ Movie. It makes it especially horrible when the commercial is just stupid. The least the commercial people could do is play the animal rescue commercials. That way our tears won't be wasted. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Expelled From My Mothers Uterus Day!

September 17th was my birthday! It was the day I was put on this earth. I am officially 18; an adult! I can't believe it. To be honest, nothing has changed. I can't really do much more than I could before, but I'm going to apply to a few jobs that require you to be eighteen so, yay.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Rainbows

Oh! I almost forgot, I re-dyed my hair rainbow. This time though I added aquamarine. A HUGE thanks to my mom for helping me out with it. She's awesome. Here are some picture for your viewing pleasure. 

No Life

I was standing in the shower for about an hour contemplating life, when I realized. I have time to stand in the shower for an hour. What life?

The Early Bird and I Are Opposites

I've had four days of college classes so far and they're pretty great. I don't have anyone I know in my classes but one of my classes doesn't start until October, so here's hoping. I've been trying to go art supply shopping for my art class. . . and so has every other art student in my state. There is barely anything left to get, it's definitely first come first serve and I was not first. I'm going shopping again tomorrow for my supplies, hopefully I have better luck. Other than that things have been pretty good. My birthday is in 8 days. Whoo! I'm pretty excited for that. My brother is coming down to hang out with me and the family, it'll be really nice to see him. I think that's all that's going on right now, I'll be sure to try and post more frequently. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Bed and I

I officially start college on Tuesday. Tuesday! I will no longer be able to lounge around the house or sleep all day. It's good, I know, I need to go to college, but I know my bed and I will not be able to continue our relationship. I'm breaking up with it tomorrow. On a happier note, my parents and I are spending this weekend in a cabin for family time. Once college starts I won't get to see them very often. It's been good so far; we go back home tomorrow. We've played some board games and walked on a trail for a good 90 minutes or so. It's been really fun. I do miss my room though, other than the fact my bed and I have to break up. We were doing so well.


I have not posted in a really long time. I sincerely apologize. Please accept and enjoy this picture of a cute baby ferret as a token of my apology.