Friday, January 18, 2013

I Got Kicked In The Face Today

My subconscious has a tendency to try and kick me in my face. More often than not it succeeds. Today was one of the days it succeeded, but I got over it fairly quickly. It used to be a lot worse than it is now and for that I'm thankful. If it weren't for certain people in my life I would probably be getting kicked in the face a lot, like I used to. I'm very thankful to have these people in my life. I love you guys. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Onward With My Future

Last but not least, my second semester of college starts back up on Monday. I'm continuing with my Sign Language major and while I plan on continuing in art there were no drawing classes available this semester so I will have to wait for them again next semester. However, I am taking psychology and a stress management class in the meantime. I'm kind of excited to continue with school but I'm not looking forward to being alone again all semester. So far I've had no one I've known in any of my classes and it's pretty lonely. Last semester I only started to make friends near the end and all of them don't have classes with me this semester so that kind of sucks, but onward with my future. 


On even another note, I have a boyfriend! His name is Brandon and unfortunately he lives in Ohio so it gets hard sometimes, but a few weeks ago I went down and spent a week with him in Ohio. It was fantastic and one of the best weeks I've had in a very long time. I miss him so much every single day. His family is awesome and we all get along great. I have to admit though, along with missing him, I miss his pets. They were the cutest things ever and they were always in a good mood. I love my cat, but it was nice being around animals that actually enjoyed my existence. He has a dog named Eddy and a cat named Lil' Bit. Eddy wore a sweater. Enjoy this picture of Eddy and Lil' Bit. 

Drawing Again

I've also been drawing a bit more. I drew L'eau Lise for my brothers girlfriend for Christmas and Batman for my Boyfriend. 

New Hair Color

That being said. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. For starters, I have blue hair now! Not just blue, but green, yellow, aquamarine, and purple. 

I'm Sorry

I haven't updated this in a very long time and for that, I apologize. Please accept this adorable picture of two cheetahs.