Thursday, February 16, 2012

David Choi Twitter Reply

I'm usually never girly, it's a rare thing to see me act truly "girly" but something happened not to long ago that made me have one of those girly moments and since it pertains to my previous blog post, i thought I would share it. I had posted a tweet on twitter about my audition and I tagged David Choi (an amazing artist on YouTube, you should go check him out if you don't know who he is. He happens to be one of my favorite artists and the artist who's song I used to audition for my schools musical.) David Choi actually replied to my tweet and told me Good Luck. I had a gigantic fan-girl moment and ran upstairs and told both of my parents about it. It truly made my day, and I can officially go to sleep happy now. 

Beauty and the Beast Musical

Today I auditioned for my schools musical. This is huge for me seeing as how I can barely stand in front of the class and give a presentation. After i had read my monologue i went out to get a drink and almost fell over from  shaking so much. I'm not sure whether I did good or not, but I did it and that's all that matters. I'm really proud of myself for doing this, and I owe my friends Chelsea and Andrew for giving me that extra push and convincing me to do it. Love you guys! Andrew also tried out, so I want to wish him luck and I hope he gets the part he wants.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I dislike Valentine's Day. It isn't only because I happened to be alone on this holiday, but I never really believed in Valentine's Day. A man in a relationship shouldn't have to have a specific holiday to make his girlfriend feel special. His girlfriend should feel special and loved everyday. On top of that I just personally don't like people, my significant other especially, spending extra money, money that could be used for something better, on me. I also realized that basically every single one of my friends is in a relationship, so not only was I alone on this holiday relationship wise, I was completely alone.  On the plus side, today, I had one of the best naps I have had in a really long time. To those of you who read this, I hope you've had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


On a more current note, how many of you watched the Superbowl? I watched it, and to be honest with you, I don't really care for the Superbowl at all. I'm not interested in sports whatsoever, I'm the type of person who just watches for the commercials, and even those were unsatisfactory tonight. I think one of my favorite parts of tonight, is that my family and I made a football out of Tim Horton Tim Bits. It was fun, and tasty. A picture is provided below for your viewing pleasures.


I never made a blog post for last night, but in my previous post I said I was going to get a Slurpee and I told my parents I had to get one because I didn't want to lie to you guys. So, I present my proof, and let me tell you, it was delicious. The layers from bottom to top go like this: Mango, blue raspberry, a bit of apple, strawberry licorice, mountain dew, then mango. In the picture i had already drank half of it, but it was so good I couldn't resist. When was the last time you had a Slurpee? Maybe it's time to get one again.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I went and saw the movie Chronicle today. In my opinion, the movie was alright; although I probably wouldn't want to see it again. It reminded me of the movie Hancock the entire time. They can fly, The main 'bad guy' busts a hole in the side of a hospital, and there is a fight in the air. For those of you who want to see it, don't worry, I didn't reveal anything. New Guy was there (or should I say, Clark Kent) and his cousin. It was the first time I have hung out with New Guy outside of school and I'm glad I did, I had a pretty good time except for a few things here and there that irritated me. I was also there with my friend Alissa, and my new friend Katelyn. Overall I had a pretty good time. On the car ride home, Alissa was asking her mom for a Slurpee, she said no; but it made me realize what I'm going to do tomorrow. Get a Slurpee. And it will be wonderful. I hope, those of you who read this, that your day is fantastic tomorrow. I'm off to bed so, Goodnight World.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


My cat, Spot, likes to get into my parents bedroom and my parents don't like it, so they usually leave the door shut, so in turn my cat sits there and paws at it until they open it again. Well, as I was sitting in my momentarily uncomfortable chair, I looked over and saw her looking at the door so I said, "No". She turned her head to look at me, then back at the door, so again I said, "No". It went on like that for a little bit until after one no I heard my dad say "Yes". Not only was that kind of funny, it was also kind of startling. My parents have a meeting to go to up at church which they left for a few minutes ago, but I made the mistake of thinking they left awhile ago. I wish I could say embarrassing moments like this were a rarity, but I can't. I just thought i would share my little embarrassing moment with all of you.

Research Paper

I woke up today with horrible back pains and it hurts so badly that I can barely move. I also have a research paper and presentation due today by 12:00 for my Gen Net class. If you don't know what Gen Net is, it's a class which is basically like Skype, so my teacher is actually at a different school. If you don't know what Skype is, Google it. So here I am in a chair which on a regular day would be perfectly comfortable to sit in, but today is extremely uncomfortable and is not helping my back at all, working on my research paper and presentation. I hope my back gets better before bed, and if it doesn't, I hope it gets better for school tomorrow. That's how my day went. I hope, whoever reads this, that your day went better than mine.