Monday, February 25, 2013

Casting A Shadow

Today there was a giant spider in my room. Okay, so to most it was normal sized; but in my defense it was casting a shadow! I am terribly afraid of spiders. I actually started crying. I'm not proud of it but it happened. My boyfriend listened on the phone as I let out my girlish shrieks and cries and tried to calm me down as much as he could. Unfortunately it was all in vain since I was unable to collect any bravery and ended up having to get my mom.

So, thank you to both of you guys. I love you dearly.

And again, in my defense. It was casting a shadow.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentines Weekend Pictures

Here are the pictures of my gift from Brandon. Under the layer of Butterscotch candies is where the other candy used to be. We ate all of the other candy.

Also! Brandon and I bought a giant spoon. Brandon and I went to some thrift shops so we could buy some things for crafts. He knows I like to get Crafty so he bought me some things I could use. One of those things was a giant spoon. It wasn't a planned item but I liked it. He helped me sand it down and then we both repainted it. It turned out really great! It's funky and for no reason it has some sort of Tiki faces on it. Here are pictures of our process. 

I'm thinking of maybe hanging it in my room somewhere. What do you think?

Valentines Day

Brandon came up on Valentines weekend and stayed with us again. I missed him so much, I was so glad to see him. While I'm so happy I get to see him at the same time it really sucks because I get so sad when he has to leave. It's hard, but it's worth it. He makes me feel better about myself. He makes me happy and that's something that I don't take for granted. 

For Valentines Day he got be a big box of assorted chocolates, except I don't like assorted chocolates so he gave the chocolates to someone else and filled it with candy that I do like. He bought me some Reese's pieces, Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears, Milk Duds, and a few others. We also went and saw "Warm Bodies", that movie about the zombie love story. It was really cute. While we were there we got one of those set of pictures that come in strips. 

I miss him oodles, but I plan to try and get down to see him during Spring Break so, here's hopin'! 

Here are some pictures that were taken that weekend. More pictures from that weekend are coming.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

It's Hard

I got kicked in the face today guys. I really hope this feeling stops at some point. It's extremely frustrating to be going throughout your day then have a crippling wave of hopelessness rush through you. I'll be fine one moment and then all of a sudden completely crying the next. I'm especially tired of being able to look at myself and like what i see one day and then the next day despise every corner and crevice of who i am. I just really hope that one day I'm able to go through a complete, full day without feeling, for even a second, like i'm worthless. I'm trying guys. I really am. 

It's hard.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


One night I was discussing with a friend which was better, leftover pizza, or leftover pasta. I like leftover pasta better than leftover pizza because it doesn't seem to get dried out whereas pizza gets all spongy, the cheese congeals and it doesn't taste the same. Our conversation went on for a little while and at the end, before going to bed my friend said one of the funniest things I've heard in awhile. He ends the conversation with, "Pasta la Pizza baby cakes"